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EAN-139780816671090   EAN-13 barcode 9780816671090
Product NameIntergovernmental Relations In Review
CategoryBook / Magazine / Publication
Short DescriptionPaperback
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Long DescriptionIntergovernmental Relations in Review was first published in 1960. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. This volume is number 10 in a series of monographs edited by William Anderson and Edward W. Weidner on intergovernmental relations in the United States as observed in the state of Minnesota. Its contents summarize the activities of the Intergovernmental Relations Project while reviewing the progress made throughout its existence. Topics discussed include: the changing scene and the American federal system; the constitutional system of national-state relations; the national government in Minnesota; metropolitan problems in national-local and inter-local relations; and the federal equilibrium and the states.
Created11-08-2012 6:45:57am
Modified12-23-2013 10:39:58am
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