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EAN-139780689712708   EAN-13 barcode 9780689712708
Product NameThe Berenstain Bears' Big Book Of Science And Nature (Dover Children's Science Books)
CategoryBook / Magazine / Publication
Short DescriptionPaperback
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ 0486498344
Price New9.63 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used7.49 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Width0.51 inches    (convert)
Height10.9 inches    (convert)
Length8.02 inches    (convert)
Weight20.96 ounces    (convert)
AuthorStan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain
Page Count192
FeaturesUsed Book in Good Condition
Long DescriptionDiscover fun facts about the natural world in the company of the Berenstain Bears and their friend, Professor Actual Factual, the foremost bear scientist of his time! This treasury of knowledge includes a complete almanac of the seasons and intriguing information about animals, plants, insects, and fish — plus fun for the whole family with simple science projects. Three big adventures begin with The Berenstain Bears' Almanac, presenting a year in Bear Country that's brimming with holiday celebrations, changes in the weather, and signs of the seasons. The Berenstain Bears' Nature Guide takes a leisurely stroll through the woods as well as an underwater excursion for close-ups of the plant and animal kingdoms. At The Berenstain Bears' Science Fair, discover a variety of machines and how they work with plenty of projects, experiments, and interesting things to learn, make, and do.
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