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EAN-139780137993543   EAN-13 barcode 9780137993543
Product NameCovert Persuasion: Psychological Tactics And Tricks To Win The Game
CategoryBook / Magazine / Publication
Short DescriptionHardcover
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ 0470051418
Price New6.85 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used2.00 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Width0.9 inches    (convert)
Height8.8 inches    (convert)
Length5.8 inches    (convert)
Weight12.64 ounces    (convert)
AuthorKevin Hogan, James Speakman
Page Count240
FeaturesJohn Wiley Sons
Long DescriptionPraise for Covert Persuasion: "This book is a treasure trove of ideas you can use to turn a 'no' into a 'yes' almost instantly-in any sales situation." -Brian Tracy, speaker and author of Create Your Own Future and Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life "Hogan is the master of persuasion. I urge you to persuade yourself to buy this book and everything he's ever written and recorded. It will help you understand yourself, understand others, and succeed. This information is bankable." -Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Sales Bible, Little Red Book of Selling, and Little Red Book of Sales Answers "There's more wisdom in this book than in 500 pages on the same subject. Whether you need to persuade your lover, your spouse, your boss, your clients, your friends, or yourself, this powerhouse collection of mind tricks and secrets will give you the upper hand. In today's competitive world, this is the persuasion wizard's manual you need to control circumstances and get what you want." -Dr. Joe Vitale, author of Life's Missing Instruction Manual and The Attractor Factor "When you read Hogan's writing, it feels like you're getting sage advice from a master. Would you like other people to decide on their own (or so they think) to go along with your every whim? Then this is the book you've been looking for." -David Garfinkel, author of Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich "There is more practical information on the dynamics of selling and communication in these pages than you could ever acquire in a lifetime on your own through trial and error. Take advantage of the authors' wisdom and read this book!" -Todd D. Bramson, Certified Financial Planner and author of Real Life Financial Planning
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Data Feed API v2 - Access and Data Layout

This describes how to use version 2.x of the data feed. Version 1.x of the feed is no longer supported in any way.

Accessing the data requires your account to have an active data feed. This switch can be turned on or off on the data feed page. This is also where you will be able to view your KEYCODE which is required to make calls to the feed.

You must always pass these...

When looking up data...

When updating data...

To download the list of categories...

The feed return data structure...

All fieds are returned regardless of the result. Check the status code before trying to make use of any of the data returned. As long as the code you send is valid (not an error) the barcode field will hold a link to a baccode graphic. If you get a 404 error because we can't find the product, you may still get valid data in the company section so you may want to check the company name field.

    find     the find value you sent in your request
    code     200 = success, 404 = not found, 400 and 500 = error
    message     details about the code
    version     feed version number
    modified     YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (24 hour time)
    ean13     13 digit EAN-13 code
    upca     12 digit UPC-A code (may be n/a)
    upce     8 digit UPC-E code (may be n/a)
    product     the name of the product
    description     size, weight, count, color, etc.
    category_no     numeric category code
    category_text     text version of the category
    url     a link to the product page (not on our site)
    image     a link to an image of the product (on our site)
    has_long_desc     does this product have a long description (1/0)
    barcode     a link to a barcode image (on our site)
    locked     is this data locked from updates (1/0)
    name     company name
    logo     a link to a company logo (on our site)
    url     a link to the company's official web site
    address     the company's mailing address
    phone     the company's phone number (digits only)
    locked     is this data locked from updates (1/0)

You will need to make requests for the content of the long description in a separate call get=long_desc to the GET or POST request. In this case, you will only get back the long description. The return structure of the long description data looks like this...

    find     the find value you sent in your request
    code     200 = success, 404 = not found, 400 and 500 = error
    message     details about the code
    version     feed version number
    modified     YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (24 hour time)
    long_desc     the long description for the product
    locked     is this data locked from updates (1/0)