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EAN-139780130168214   EAN-13 barcode 9780130168214
Product NameWorld Regional Geography
CategoryBook / Magazine / Publication
Short DescriptionHardcover
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ 0130168211
Price New54.72 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used3.23 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Page Count700
Long DescriptionOrganized around the theme of human development, this book is written by experts on each region of the world to create a comprehensive volume on world regional geography that presents a vital overview of the topic, providing a deep understanding of the character of the world's people. A rich art package assists the reader in gaining a personal feeling for the inner essence of each world region. This book covers the geographic, social, and economic issues for each world region, including the United States and Canada; Europe; Russia and the Eurasian States; Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands; Asia; the Middle East and North Africa; Africa south of the Sahara; and Latin America. This book can serve as an excellent tool for any reader who is interested in the world's regions and its people; it is an excellent reference work for geographers, cultural anthropologists, and others working in those fields.
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Created02-26-2012 11:46:32pm
Modified04-30-2020 3:41:04pm
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An article of interest

Making use of the tools we offer

Importing our data into your MySQL database

Here we will demonstrate the most basic example of importing the CSV data files that we produce on this site into your MySQL database.

For information about various databases you can use and how to import CSV files into them, please view the overview article "Importing CSV data into your database".

For this example, we are going to import the product data CSV file out of the sample_ean_data.zip but this same process will work on the full data download file. We will also be executing the commands in the MySQL Workbench but you can also use the command line tool with the same commands if you like.

First, start by creating a blank table. Use the table layout described in the read_me file for the most up-to-date table layout. It is suggested that you not use any indexing at this point. You can add indexes later. It is most likely that you will have your own tables where you want to store your data so importing the CSV files can be done into temporary tables and then later copied over to your tables. Leaving off the indexes and constraints on these import tables reduces the risk of import errors. Here is an example:

create table ean_product
    EAN13             varchar(13),
    UPCA              varchar(12),
    UPCE              varchar(8),
    SKU               varchar(200),
    PriceNew          numeric(15,2),
    PriceUsed         numeric(15,2),
    PriceDate         date,
    company           varchar(13),
    product           varchar(100),
    description       varchar(100),
    category          int,
    url               varchar(500),
    created           datetime,
    modified          datetime

Next we perform the import using the LOAD DATA INFILE command. The path to the file depends on where you saved the data and which operating system you are on. For Windows users you might find your file on the C: drive and Linux users may find your date in your home (~) folder. This example shows a Linux import. Only the path would be different between the operating systems.

    INFILE '~/sample_ean_data/sample_ean_product.csv' 
    INTO TABLE ean_product

Finally, lets look at the data that we just imported.


You may have seen some warnings after the import command. If you are concerned about these warnings, examine the data. It could be that some data has grown beyond the size specified in the read_me file. If you are worried, make the fields larger and try the process again after deleting all of the data out of the table.