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EAN-135059139999797   EAN-13 barcode 5059139999797
Product Name5059139999797
Created12-16-2021 2:27:22am
Modified12-19-2022 9:56:29am
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Query Time0.0058110

This product was recently detected and it could take some time for us to locate more information. You can check back later or you can contribute to the site by entering the additional information to this page.

We do our best to track down as much information as possible about each product but in the end, it takes people like you to help us out by looking at the products and adding information. After all, we can't get our hands on every product in the database.

We have web bots that go out into the wild and try to find additional data but they can only do so much. That is why we rely on the public and manufacturers to provide quality data.

Hopefully, what you are finding here is of value and you will continue to use the site and to help us by adding more data. We really appreciate every bit of help we get.

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Site News and Events

We got a face lift

We spent some time to give the site a face lift. We are working on a lot of changes in the background to improve your experience and some user interface changes come with that.

We aren't ready to release all of the background changes or the interface changes but we are ready to release the main cosmetic changes since they don't need the background changes to be ready.

These changes make browsing the site a lot easier on mobile devices and touch devices. We improved scalling and presentation. There are plenty of places left for improvement but we think we are off to a good start.

As always, we are happy to hear your feedback any time.