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EAN-135055179412289   EAN-13 barcode 5055179412289
Product NameProvoked
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Short DescriptionDVD
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B000OFOSE0
Price New49.00 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used2.18 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Aspect Ratio1.33:1
ArtistNaveen Andrews, Miranda Richardson, Jag Mundhra
Width5.75 inches    (convert)
Height0.53 inches    (convert)
Length7.75 inches    (convert)
Weight3.2 ounces    (convert)
FormatColor, Import, NTSC
Long DescriptionKiranjit was born in a Punjabi-speaking Sikh family in Chak Kalla in Punjab, and was the last of 9 siblings. Her dad passed away a few months after her birth, while her mom passed away when she was 16. Kiran wanted to become a lawyer, but her marriage was arranged with Deepak Ahluwalia of London, England, who lived with his mom. She hoped to continue her education, but was prevented by Deepak, who became increasingly alcoholic, and abusive - both physically and verbally, even sexually molesting her, and having multiple relationships with other females. Things only got worse even after the birth of two sons, Sandeep and Rajeev. On May 9, 1989 the Police and Fire Department were summoned to their residence on reports of Deepak sustaining numerous burns as a result of a fire. A hospitalized Deepak complains that Kiran attempted to kill him by setting his bed afire. As a result Kiran is arrested, tried in Court, and would have likely got a prison sentence for manslaughter - which was changed to murder - as Deepak dies. After a quick trial, she is found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. Will Kiran be ever set free or will she be spending her life behind bars, away from her two sons, and if she decides to appeal, what would be the grounds - as she herself believes that she has committed an unforgivable crime.
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Created04-17-2012 8:21:24pm
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