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EAN-135018399184749   EAN-13 barcode 5018399184749
Product Name5018399184749
Created06-24-2021 7:25:39am
Modified06-08-2022 2:20:18am
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Query Time0.0049279

This product was recently detected and it could take some time for us to locate more information. You can check back later or you can contribute to the site by entering the additional information to this page.

We do our best to track down as much information as possible about each product but in the end, it takes people like you to help us out by looking at the products and adding information. After all, we can't get our hands on every product in the database.

We have web bots that go out into the wild and try to find additional data but they can only do so much. That is why we rely on the public and manufacturers to provide quality data.

Hopefully, what you are finding here is of value and you will continue to use the site and to help us by adding more data. We really appreciate every bit of help we get.

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Site News and Events

We have upgraded!

The site has been updating over the past few months and now we are done with the big upgrade!

You have gotten to see some of the cosmetic changes as we went along. Many of these could be moved to the live production server without causing an outage.

Over the past few days, users have been accessing the site using our backup server while our main server was fully upgraded. It was a long process taking months of preperation and design but all the hard work is done now.

All in all it was a very hectic few months getting everything ready but it is quite a joy to see the improves performance.

We still have some work to do. The backup server has to be upgraded now to match the production server for one thing. We want to add more fields to the database so we can provide more information about products than we could in the past. But this work won't impact the site in an adverse way. We can easily add new fields without any interuption to your access to the site.

We have performed a great deal of testing but if we missed something by chance please contact us and we will get it fixed right away.