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EAN-130883929312894   EAN-13 barcode 0883929312894
UPC-A883929312894   UPC-A barcode 883929312894
Product NameShe's Having A Baby
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B00AMEZDN8
Price New3.45 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used5.38 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Long DescriptionLast year at this time, Jacke and Kristi were two crazy single kids in love. Now they're two crazy married adults in transition. Their dreams of a perfect life in a perfect house have turned into a series of hilarious marital nightmares. And Kristi just g
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Created03-09-2013 2:47:26am
Modified09-09-2021 2:15:55pm
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Site News and Events

Changes are still coming

We just completed a major upgrade to the backend with a minor face lift to the web site. More changes are coming soon!

We completed the upgrade that changed the way we store company data and connect it to the product details. This required a set major database changes and some minor but important web site changes.

Over the next couple weeks we will roll out various other web site upgrades that make use of these new changes and provide you with better access to our data.

As always, if you see anything odd on the site, please let us know and we will get it fixed right away.