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EAN-130794051256126   EAN-13 barcode 0794051256126
UPC-A794051256126   UPC-A barcode 794051256126
Product NameGideon's Daughter
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B000EHQU1M
Price New21.94 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used15.99 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Similar Items9780767833981: Still Crazy
9780783135687: Girl in the Cafe
Modified10-05-2017 2:22:02am
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An article of interest

Our Android App

v1.1 - Ready for the public

This is the first version of our app that is available to the public. This version is mostly an interface to our mobile web site with a few helpful tools layered over the top.

As we improve the app, we will be making it more powerful and more focused to give you more control and a better user experience.

For now the main features are easy access to the barcode scanner (your camera) and text searching.

Many more features are in the works including more actions than simple product lookups for your barcode scanner. But for now, we hope that this initial version adds some value and improves the user experience as you use the EAN Data that we have to offer.