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EAN-130791611033173   EAN-13 barcode 0791611033173
UPC-A791611033173   UPC-A barcode 791611033173
Product NameWare Small Animal Grooming Kit
CategoryAnimals: Pet Supplies
Short DescriptionHeight:1.25 inches / Length:10 inches / Weight:0.3 pounds / Width:7.25 inches
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B004L4ZNAS
Price New7.99 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Long DescriptionGroom-N-Kit contains the perfect selection of necessary grooming tools for small pets at an affordable price. Includes pin brush to reduce shedding, bristle brush to make fur shine, nail clipper and a tasty treat to provide the perfect diversion during grooming.
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Created12-06-2012 7:29:41pm
Modified10-01-2017 2:11:36am
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We can take your data in a few basic formats:

  1. A text file of comma seperated VALUES (CSV)
  2. A spread sheet file such as Excel or Open Office
  3. MySQL insert script

We can probably work with other formats too, but these formats are the easiest for us to work with so we prefer that you use them to make things easier for us during the import process.

The data file you send us should contain one product per line with no extra comments. You may want to add column headers to the top of your data file to make it easier for us to ideantify the information you are sending.

There are only a couple fields that we require but the more information you provide the better it is for the users that visit this site searching for information. Here is what we need from you:

EAN Code (required) This can be either the 13 digit EAN code or the 12 digit UPC code. Without this we can't store your information.
Amazon ASIN (optional) If your product is listed on Amazon, we can use this number to gather the remaining information and even grab a picture of your product.
Title (required) The name of your product. If you provided the Amazon ASIN, then we don't really need this. We will pull it from Amazon instead.
Description (optional) This is usually the size, color, weight or product type. Some examples include "32 oz", "6 pounds", "blue", "D-Size 4 Pack", "DVD", "Cassette"
Category (optional) You can use text here or our category numbers. We can massage your text to fit into our categories as needed.
URL (optional) This is a direct link to the product detail information on your web site or the site where you want people to buy your product from.
Long Description (optional) You can list up to 2,000 characters in your description.
SKU (optional) Up to 100 characters

In addition to your product data, when you send us your information you can send us your company contact information. If your profile doesn't already have this information, it is very helpful to the users that visit our site. This information would simply be included in the email you send us with your data file. What we would like in your company information block includes:

To submit your data to us, simple prepare your data file and email it to us by using the contact link at the bottom of any of our pages. Large data files can be compressed into a ZIP file if you like.

It is always a good idea to claim your products on our site if you are not going to send us a data file. This lets you take charge of the information we already have and information that we may collect later.