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EAN-130743252791189   EAN-13 barcode 0743252791189
UPC-A743252791189   UPC-A barcode 743252791189
Product NameMythbusters: Season One
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B001G3SVZ6
Price New169.99 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used40.00 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Long DescriptionThe Mythbusters, Jamie and Adam, Two special effects experts with over 30 years experience between them, set out to methodically bust three urban legends in each episode. They will apply cutting-edge science with age-old legends and modern-day myths to prove or disprove what is real and what is truly urban legend. They don't just tell the myths, they put them to the test. Season 1 contains 13 episodes on 4 DVD's.
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Modified10-05-2017 12:52:43am
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We have a new database

This weekend was a long one. We installed a new database server and copied all the data from the old server to the new one.

Then of course, we had to sync all the new data that collected on the old server while we were setting up the new server.

It was a time consuming process but we didn't have even one minute of down time over the weekend. The switch over was seamless.

The old server is becoming our backup server with instant data replication. This way, we no longer need to shut the site down for a couple hours each week to perform data backups. We can also run some of the more processor intense extract processes using the backup server instead of the live main server.

All these changes should mean more up time, faster response time and fewer issues long term.