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EAN-130733961752922   EAN-13 barcode 0733961752922
UPC-A733961752922   UPC-A barcode 733961752922
Product NameAncient Mysteries - Witches
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Short DescriptionWeight:0.25 pounds
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B000GAKMB6
Price New6.98 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used6.99 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Weight16 ounces    (convert)
FeaturesThe witch, sorceress, enchantress, the devil's consort--she has haunted the human consciousness and captured our imagination for thousands of years. The fear of the witch is woven deep within our psyche, but, surprisingly, there was a time when the witch was not a source of evil. Known for her ability to harness the hidden powers of nature herself--she was the caster of magical spells and the
Long DescriptionThe witch, sorceress, enchantress, the devil's consort--she has haunted the human consciousness and captured our imagination for thousands of years. The fear of the witch is woven deep within our psyche, but, surprisingly, there was a time when the witch was not a source of evil. Known for her ability to harness the hidden powers of nature herself--she was the caster of magical spells and the brewer of healing potions. What are her secret powers? And why did they become so feared and despised? Why would the witch be hunted down so mercilessly by the Inquisitor during the witch trials of Europe's Middle Ages and in the Puritan heartland of Salem, Massachusetts? The reasons lie buried deep in the ancient past. Join us on ANCIENT MYSTERIES and learn the surprising answers to the mystery of the witch.
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Modified10-05-2017 12:22:02am
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