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EAN-130718167000008   EAN-13 barcode 0718167000008
UPC-A718167000008   UPC-A barcode 718167000008
Product Name0718167000008
Created01-10-2019 3:07:03pm
Modified05-23-2020 5:10:30pm
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PDF417 Barcode

PDF417 (Portable Data File 417) is a high-capacity two-dimensional barcode symbology capable of encoding large amounts of data in a relatively small space. Developed by Dr. Ynjiun P. Wang at Symbol Technologies in the mid-1990s, PDF417 consists of stacked rows of variable-width bars and spaces arranged in a grid pattern. It can encode a variety of data types, including text, numbers, and binary data, making it suitable for a wide range of applications such as transportation, ticketing, identification, and inventory management. PDF417 barcodes are highly versatile and can store up to 1.1 kilobytes of data, making them ideal for situations where extensive information needs to be encoded on a single barcode.

One of the key features of PDF417 is its robust error correction capability, which ensures accurate data retrieval even in cases of partial damage or distortion of the barcode. PDF417 uses Reed-Solomon error correction codes to detect and correct errors in the encoded data, providing a high level of reliability in scanning and decoding. Additionally, PDF417 barcodes can be read omnidirectionally, allowing for quick and efficient scanning from any orientation. This makes PDF417 suitable for use in environments where barcode labels may be presented to scanners in varying orientations, such as on mobile devices or in high-speed scanning applications. Overall, PDF417 offers a powerful solution for encoding and retrieving large volumes of data in a compact and efficient format.

PDF stands for Portable Data File and 4 indicates that each section of the code is made of 4 bars and stripes by 17 units. These can be between 3 and 90 rows.

Barcode PDF417

This symbol is like stacked sets of 1D barcodes. Both numbers and letters can be encoded into these symbols. The symbol is made up of start and stop patterns, left and right row indicators and the data blocks in the middle.

Barcode PDF417

This symbology is in the public domain meaning that anyone can make use of it without dealing with licing issues. If you need to generate these types of codes, you might want to check out the www.racoindustries.com web site.