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EAN-130702727201929   EAN-13 barcode 0702727201929
UPC-A702727201929   UPC-A barcode 702727201929
Product NameDarkside Blues: Complete Collection
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Short DescriptionDVD
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B002CWKTQ4
Price New3.54 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used4.41 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Weight4 ounces    (convert)
Long DescriptionIn the gothic landscape of the future, the Persona Century Corporation owns 99% of the world. They thought they wielded absolute power. They were wrong. There are isolated regions of the world which are beyond the Corporation's claw-like reach. One of the
Similar Items9781586640682: Project A-Ko - Uncivil Wars
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Created04-17-2012 7:23:22pm
Modified10-10-2017 11:21:34am
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QR Code Barcodes

QR Codes are a type of 2 dimentional (2D) barcode that are commonly used in advertising and supported by most smart phones. These compact codes can make it very easy to get digital data from print into a computer or smart phone.

Originally created for the automotive industry, these codes have exploded into use in print on business cards, in magazines and even seen on web sites. This is because of the increased access to smart phones that can easily scan these codes and transfer the data to the user.

There are a number of uses for these codes. Web links, contact information (vCard) and other useful types of information. Here is an example of a QR Code that you can scan.

Barcode QR Code

The example image below is highlighted to indicate the various parts of the QR Code

Barcode QR Code

If you would like to create your own QR Codes, there are several web sites that let you do this. We actually have our own QR Code generator on this site where you can create your very own QR Codes for any use you like and it is totally FREE!

Create your own QR Codes