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EAN-130645759752369   EAN-13 barcode 0645759752369
UPC-A645759752369   UPC-A barcode 645759752369
Product NameTrump Make Breath Fresh Again Mints – Trump Gag Gifts – Clinton Trump Election 2016 – Donald Trump Gifts – Cinnamon Breath Mints – Funny Mint Tins by Gears Out
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B01MQEYIUK
Price New5.99 US Dollars    (curriencies)
FeaturesSOMETHING REFRESHING FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - The spicy cinnamon flavor of our Trump Make Breath Fresh Again Mints will have breathing easier in large crowds., THE DONALD KNOWS THE VALUE OF DOING NUMBERS BIGLY - Donald doesn't do anything small, so it makes sense that Trump Mints contain approx. 165 mints in one funny mint tin., A MESSAGE TO THE WORLD - Trump Mints feature a funny Donald Trump caricature and challenge everyone, "Let's Make Breath Fresh Again.", THE BEST COLLECTIBLE TIN, BELIEVE ME - An extremely credible source tells us that after the mints are gone, you can use the novelty tin to store small things in your purse or pocket., BEST STOCKING STUFFERS FOR EVERYONE - Whether your friends are democrats or republicans, they'll all appreciate this funny Trump memorabilia.
Long DescriptionWhile we haven't heard much about Donald Trump's take on halitosis, we have a strong feeling he'd encourage everyone towards responsible breathing with a snappy catchphrase like, "Let's Make Breath Fresh Again." Inspired by his taste for the finer things in life, we designed this funny mint tin in a gold tone. Sure, it may not be the real deal, but we're not all billionaires, either. Friends and family on all sides of politics will appreciate finding Trump Mints in their stockings or among their birthday gifts. The funny Trump caricature on the label and sweet cinnamon mints inside will give them reasons to smile for a very long time. Donald Trump did not design, endorse or contribute a quote to this joke product.
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Created04-30-2018 12:12:04am
Modified04-29-2020 9:29:53pm
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