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EAN-130602498612675   EAN-13 barcode 0602498612675
UPC-A602498612675   UPC-A barcode 602498612675
Product NameSerenata ...
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Music
Short DescriptionHeight:0.45 inches / Length:5 inches / Width:5.75 inches
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B0000V46TA
Price New7.69 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used1.69 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Long DescriptionSerenata Universal Music Group 00602498612675
Created01-11-2013 1:57:34pm
Modified10-04-2017 8:44:52pm
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Query Time0.0052469

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Site News and Events

We just made updating products easier

Over the past couple weeks we have gone through and updated the way you can help us keep the site up to date. If you are a registered memeber of the site, you can help and earn lookup credits by validating products and putting things in the right category.

We just added a new page that make it very easy to categorize products that are not already in a category. Visit the UNCATEGORISED PAGE and see if you can help us out. If you know where the product goes it only takes a couple clicks to categorize it. If not, just skip it and check the next one.

You get to see a list of 10 items at a time. Once you have looked at them you can use the link at the bottom to get a new set. Categorize as many or as few items as you like.

If you want to help even more, you can go to the PENDING CHANGES page and check the items that other people have entered into the system. If there is nothing pending on this page, you will automatically be given a list of items that need to be categorised. So if you like, you can use this one page do perform both tasks.

We spend a good deal of time each day performing these tasks ourselves but your help is always appreciated and makes things go a lot faster. We plan on making more improvements over time so feel free to send suggestions.