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EAN-130195385165366   EAN-13 barcode 0195385165366
UPC-A195385165366   UPC-A barcode 195385165366
Product Name0195385165366
Created11-21-2021 9:13:04pm
Modified06-22-2023 9:15:10am
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Query Time0.0060351

This product was recently detected and it could take some time for us to locate more information. You can check back later or you can contribute to the site by entering the additional information to this page.

We do our best to track down as much information as possible about each product but in the end, it takes people like you to help us out by looking at the products and adding information. After all, we can't get our hands on every product in the database.

We have web bots that go out into the wild and try to find additional data but they can only do so much. That is why we rely on the public and manufacturers to provide quality data.

Hopefully, what you are finding here is of value and you will continue to use the site and to help us by adding more data. We really appreciate every bit of help we get.

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When it rains, it pours. We were down again!

This time it wasn't our fault. There were power issues due to a substation down the street catching fire. We don't know the details of how it happened. But we do know that there were a lot of surges and some made it through our UPS to take out our main server.

We keep everything backed up so we only lost about 1 day of data. But because the equipment was damaged we had to rebuild some parts our system from scratch.

Sadly, it took a little longer than expected. Once the main systems came back up there were some confugration issues that we struggled with. But we are back and we have replaced our dead UPS boxes with new ones. They saved most of the equipment from any real damage. Only one box suffered serious damage. It just happened to be our main server instad of one of our backup systems.

Oh well, we will get any lingering bugs ironed out in the next day or two and then start back up on our system upgrade to help speed up the site some more.

Thanks for your understanding.