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EAN-130191329056592   EAN-13 barcode 0191329056592
UPC-A191329056592   UPC-A barcode 191329056592
Product Name0191329056592
Created06-11-2021 2:11:48pm
Modified12-10-2023 9:40:31am
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Query Time0.0051882

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Japanese Postal Barcode

The Japan Post Barcode encodes a 7 digit postal code plus an optional address data of up to 13 alphanumeric chars. The postal code section may have a hyphen char at the 4th character position (eg. 108-0075) although this hyphen will not be encoded into the barcode.

There may also be a hyphen between the postal code and the address data (eg. 108-0075-2-16-3). Again this hyphen will not be encoded into the barcode. Any remaining hyphens are encoded, though.

The Japanese Postal Barcode, also known as the Japan Post 4-State Customer Code (JP4SCC), is a barcode system utilized by Japan Post, the nation's postal service. Similar to other 4-state barcode systems like RM4SCC, it's designed to encode alphanumeric data, including postal addresses, in a compact format. This barcode system plays a crucial role in the efficient sorting and delivery of mail within Japan. By encoding information such as postal codes and delivery points, the Japanese Postal Barcode enables automated sorting machines to quickly and accurately process large volumes of mail, contributing to the timely and reliable delivery of postal items across the country.

The Japanese Postal Barcode system has evolved over time to meet the changing needs of Japan Post and its customers. With advancements in technology, newer versions of the barcode have been introduced, incorporating features such as increased data capacity and enhanced error correction capabilities. These improvements have further optimized the sorting and delivery processes, allowing Japan Post to handle the growing volume of mail more effectively. Additionally, the Japanese Postal Barcode system facilitates the tracking of mail items, providing customers with increased visibility and peace of mind regarding the status of their deliveries. Overall, the Japanese Postal Barcode stands as a testament to Japan Post's commitment to innovation and efficiency in its postal operations, ensuring the continued reliability of the country's mail service.