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EAN-130097363278528   EAN-13 barcode 0097363278528
UPC-A097363278528   UPC-A barcode 097363278528
Product NameThe Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
CategoryAdult Oriented Item
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B00C40JV18
Price New4.99 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used1.33 US Dollars    (curriencies)
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Modified07-31-2018 10:24:30am
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Making use of the tools we offer

Accessing the data feed using a REST format

The data feed API is URL based, but if you prefer to use the REST interface, you can do most things using that method.

Your API key should be in the request header "x-api-key" but will also work on the URL if you prefer using keycode=????????

When accessing the API using REST, the URL needs to be in this format:


version: The API version you are trying to access starting with the letter "v" followed by the version number as an integer. (ie: v3 or v2)

action: The action you wish to perform. Not all actions are currently available using the API. The ones that work currently are:

dataID: This is the data you are searching for. For "find" this is an EAN or UPC code. For "search" this can be any text properly encoded for he URL.

To get your data back as XML, put "application/xml" in your "accept" header. If you prefer JSON (the default format) you can leave off the "accept" header or send "application/json". You can also include your preference on the URL using mode=json or mode=xml but using the request header is the preferred method.

We will continue to add more REST interface features in the future so be sure to check back on this page every once in a while.

*** Updating data via the REST interface is not ready yet but will require test=1 on the URL as the first variable if you are testing your application to prevent actual data updates. Placing it later on the URL could cause this variable to be skipped if you have errors in your URL.