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EAN-130097360611649   EAN-13 barcode 0097360611649
UPC-A097360611649   UPC-A barcode 097360611649
Product NameHell Is For Heroes
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media
Short DescriptionDVD
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B00005ASGB
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Modified10-04-2017 8:12:11pm
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EAN-13, UPC-A, UPC-E and Bookland Barcodes

Enter the 8 or 12 digits found on the barcode of almost any product in the search box at the top of any screen and click the the lookup button. If the bar code doesn't match this format, it may not be an actual UPC code and would not appear in our database. It could be one of many formats. See the images below for examples of both the 8 and 12 digit UPC barcodes.


We have a deticated page to describe how these barcodes work, how you can calculate the check digit and how you can convert between UPC-A and UPC-E formats. For more informatin, please visit our UPC Help page.

Bookland + 2 and Bookland + 5. Are both variations of EAN-13 and are sometimes referred to as EAN13 supplement 2 and EAN13 supplement 5 (EAN13-2 and EAN13-5).

These barcodes are used to record the book's ISBN number and the supplemental digits are used for recording issue numbers (for magazines with a +2 extension) or pricing information for books (with a +5 extension).