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EAN-130074643817127   EAN-13 barcode 0074643817127
UPC-A074643817127   UPC-A barcode 074643817127
Product NameAll That Jazz
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Short DescriptionVideo Disc
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B01MTIMR7F
Price Used21.49 US Dollars    (curriencies)
RatingR - Restricted
TrailerWatch The Trailer
Run Time123 minutes
CastAnn Reinking, Jessica Lange, Roy Scheider
DirectorBob Fosse
Run Time118 minutes
BindingLaser Disc
Release Year1979
Run Time118 minutes
Long DescriptionJoe Gideon is a Broadway director, choreographer and filmmaker, he in the process of casting the chorus and staging the dance numbers for his latest Broadway show, starring his ex-wife Audrey Paris in what is largely a vanity project for her in playing a role several years younger than her real age, and editing a film he directed on the life of stand-up comic Davis Newman. Joe's professional and personal lives are intertwined, he a chronic philanderer, having slept with and had relationships with a series of dancers in his shows, Victoria Porter, who he hired for the current show despite she not being the best dancer, in the former category, and Kate Jagger, his current girlfriend, in the latter category. That philandering has led to relationship problems, with Audrey during their marriage, and potentially now with Kate who wants a committed relationship with Joe largely in not wanting the alternative of entering the dating world again. Joe also lives a hard and fast life, he chain smoking, drinking heavily, listening to hard driving classical music and popping uppers to keep going. In addition to pressures from investors and meeting film deadlines above and beyond his own self-induced hard life, he is teetering on the brink physically and emotionally. With Kate, Audrey, and his and Audrey's teenage daughter Michelle looking over him as best they can, Joe flirts with "Angelique" in the process, he potentially succumbing to her if he doesn't listen to them or what his body is telling him.
Modified08-02-2023 12:11:04am
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We are upgrading the way company data is handled

Due to changes in how codes are sold, we have decided to abandon the old method for associating products to companies and try something new. This change will make it easier to enter corrections for company data as well as making it easier for companies to manage their own product collection.

As a user, you may not notice the changes right away. When you do, you may only think there is a cosmetic change to how the information is presented. But in the background, a great deal of improved logic will exist.

This change is rather substantial in regard to how the data is stored and accessed so it could be a couple weeks before we are finished and make the changes visible to the end users. We simply wanted to let you now that the canges were coming and that with this set of changes more new features are on the way.

Some things that will be changing:

We hope these changes will in the end produce better lookups, faster searches and more meaningful searches. We will use this upgrade to add more features in the future.