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EAN-130054961836895   EAN-13 barcode 0054961836895
UPC-A054961836895   UPC-A barcode 054961836895
Product NameLord Peter Wimsey Mysteries Set 1
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Short DescriptionDVD
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B002TY78PU
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Created04-17-2012 8:02:18pm
Modified01-16-2020 7:50:13pm
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v1.1.2 - Bug Fix & New Feature

The "Quit Application" menu item wasn't working so that got fixed. On the scan results screen, the quit menu item was only returning you to the startup screen. Now it actually quits. We also changed the label for that menu item from "Quit / Exit" to "Quit Application" to be more clear.

We added the ability to "Share" scanned data. If you can something and we can bring you to a product page, when you share you will be sharing a link to the product page. When you scan something and we don't know what to do with it (not a product barcode) we let you share the raw scan.