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EAN-130053939689426   EAN-13 barcode 0053939689426
UPC-A053939689426   UPC-A barcode 053939689426
Product NameBible Collection-Jacob (Dvd/1.33/Fr-Eng Sub)
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Short DescriptionWeight:0.25 pounds
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B0007VY3ZU
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Modified10-10-2017 8:37:54am
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Internet issues beyond our control

Sorry folks for the slow and spotty service to our site yesterday (1/10/2013). There was work being done in the area and it caused general service interuptions.

We experienced poor internet accessability and noticed far fewer visitors than normal to the site. There was a point over night when all internet service went down. We contacted our ISP this morning to find out they were performing maintenance in our area and had to shut down a hub station at one point.

The maintenance in general caused a bottle neck for data in our area and shutting down the hub took us completely off-line for almost an hour.

This is regretable but well beyond our control. We are sorry if this impacted you and access to our data.