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Product NameInto The Sun
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B0006VL1IS
Long DescriptionNo Description Available. Genre: Feature Film-Action/Adventure Rating: R Release Date: 6-JUN-2006 Media Type: DVD
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Winter storm took us off-line

Due to the winter storm here in Salem Oregon, we went off-line at around 1am on Saturday February 13th.

We have battery backups, commercial level internet and off-site redundant backups. But because most of the county lost power and our battery backups only last a couple hours, our servers all shut down. Internet in the area was out as well due to the ice storm. Trees took out power lines, phone lines and internet lines all over the state.

We restored power to the building through the use of a generator, but the internet was still off-line until crews could restore the cables.

We are still experiencing some intermittent issues because the servers didn't get a totally clean shutdown when the power went out and recovery checks are taking a long time to examine all of the drives.

Things should be back to normal soon.

Sorry for the trouble.