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EAN-130038992945368   EAN-13 barcode 0038992945368
UPC-A038992945368   UPC-A barcode 038992945368
Product Name0038992945368
Created09-15-2021 11:21:14pm
Modified01-15-2022 12:09:58pm
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Query Time0.1583400

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We have web bots that go out into the wild and try to find additional data but they can only do so much. That is why we rely on the public and manufacturers to provide quality data.

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We just added BUILD SCRIPTS to our data download!

People have mentioned that they had some issues in creating the tables needed to import the data. We added build scripts to the data downloads that should make that easier if you are using MySQL, MS SQL Server or Oracle.

Simply unzip your data download as you normall would. In the folder you will find scripts that can help you build the tables that you then import the data to.

Hopefully, this will make the import process a lot easier for you. You still need to add indexes and foreign keys if you like. The scripts are intended to get the data into your database where you may want to transfer it to other tables or otherwise massage it. So we did not add any indexing or foreign keys to these scripts assuming the tables are only temporary.