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EAN-130027616921789   EAN-13 barcode 0027616921789
UPC-A027616921789   UPC-A barcode 027616921789
Product NameViva Maria
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media
Short DescriptionDvd
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B00079ZA6S
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Modified10-04-2017 5:21:51pm
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Finding the expiration date of your product

You simply cannot find the expiration date using the product barcode. We get asked quite often what the expiration date is for this product or that one. Put simply, there is no way to know that based on the barcode. A product barcode lasts many years. Products that expire have an expiration date printed on the package. If you are concerned that your product may be expired and there is no date on the package, you will need to check with the manufacturer to get the information you are looking for.