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EAN-130025192848223   EAN-13 barcode 0025192848223
UPC-A025192848223   UPC-A barcode 025192848223
Product NameThe Rockford Files - Season One
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Short DescriptionDVD
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B000BGR1B4
Similar Items9781451642612: The Garner Files: A Memoir
9780312862299: The Rockford Files: The Green Bottle
Modified10-04-2017 5:10:11pm
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We were down for maintenance

You  may have noticed that we were off line for a while here and there over the past couple days.

We had planned one short outage and posted information about it in advance. But after installing the new RAID system we still had to move all of the data off of the old system over to the new system.

Each time we got data off of one of the hard drives, we had to shut down the system for a short time to physically remove the old drive. We had to do this several times because we had several old drives on the old RAID system and they could only be moved one at a time.

We tried to keep the down time to a minimum but it still took a little longer than expected after the last drive was removed and swapped out. There were a couple unexpted issues relating to that last hard drive.

Fortunately, now with the new RAID in place, we can HOT SWAP drives. This means that when we change out the hard drives we don't have to turn the power off.

We still have a couple internal hard drives that do require a power off if we need to spaw them but it is unlikely we will need to do that unless one dies. The old drives didn't die, we just needed to expand the drive space with larger hard drives so we went to the hot swap system to plan for the future.