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EAN-130024543147107   EAN-13 barcode 0024543147107
UPC-A024543147107   UPC-A barcode 024543147107
Product NameKing of the Hill - The Complete Third Season
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Short DescriptionDvd
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B0002XVQT4
Price New9.00 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used7.60 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Weight10.4 ounces    (convert)
Long Description1
Similar Items0887090085908: King of the Hill: Season 9
0024543069911: King of the Hill - The Complete First Season
Modified01-05-2020 4:34:05am
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Site News and Events

More data, more details, more power

For a couple months, we have been working on a major revamp of the database. All the existing data will be saved of course but many new data elements will be created.

People have been asking for the ability to track nutritional information, ingredients and other data items related to various products.

To this point, we have not been able to track that information because of a limit imposed by the database layout. Adding these new fields would be very hard.

We have finally gotten the database into the correct shape for the new fields and many many more in the future. We will be able to track just about any type of data item for any given product type.

It may be a few more months before the input screens catch up to the database changes. We want the user interface to be smooth and easy to use. Using feedback we have already received about the current site we will be making changes to the input process.

We also need to take into account the existing applications that are using the existing data feed and we will also need to create a new updated data feed for people moving forward.

In short, big changes are coming now that the database has been revamped but all the existing functions will continue to work without interuption.