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EAN-130024543072096   EAN-13 barcode 0024543072096
UPC-A024543072096   UPC-A barcode 024543072096
Product NameHeaven Knows Mr. Allison
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media
Short DescriptionDVD
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Modified01-05-2020 4:30:42am
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Upgrades never seem to go as planned

Well heck! We had another upgrade of hardware today and the process simply took far longer than expected. Sorry!

Yes, we added some more new hardware. To insure that nothing got lost we had to perform a full database backup.

This backup required copying over 70gig of data from one machine to another and this required a complete database shutdown.

Now this step took longer than expected but that wasn't all, installing the new hardware took longer than expected.

The good news? We now have new servers for both the web server and the database server PLUS backup equipment for both servers. The old equipment has been recycled into massive file servers and backup servers so we haven't wasted anything.

The hope is that all these upgrades over the past couple weeks will improve over all system performance and reliability. With all the traffic we have been seeing lately, the old database server and web server have been getting pushed to their limits. We now have some breathing room again.

Thanks for your patients.