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EAN-130015004904131   EAN-13 barcode 0015004904131
UPC-A015004904131   UPC-A barcode 015004904131
Product Name0015004904131
Created01-25-2023 7:43:54pm
Modified01-29-2023 10:48:15am
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Query Time0.0051548

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We have a 99.5% up time track record

Although we have had a couple days lately when we have been down for maintenance, looking back over the last couple years we can say that we have been available 99.5% of the time and that isn't too bad at all.

With the latest outage, we struggled to replace damaged equipment and bring the new boxes online as quickly as possible. We now think that we have everything up and running but we will keep monitoring for little things that may have gotten missed.

We feel so bad when ever the system is off line for more than a few minutes or for any unexpected events. But to put thinks into prespective, we looked back over the past 2 years and found that we have been off line completely for less than 100 hours with the longest period being this last outage when we ended up doing a full rebuild on our main server box.

With all things considered we think we are doing pretty good for a small company managing multiple web sites as well as our regular day-to-day business.

We will continue to improve and make efforts to reduce future down time. Even at 99.5% up time, there is room for improvement.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.