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EAN-130014381719420   EAN-13 barcode 0014381719420
UPC-A014381719420   UPC-A barcode 014381719420
Product NameGoats
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Short Description: Product Title: Goats: Chapter Info: Disc #1 - Goats: Language: English: Program Type: Movie: Release Date:09-11-2012: Screen Format: Enhanced Widescreen for 16x9 TV: Studio: Image: Region Code:0: Sound"
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Created03-08-2013 8:19:40pm
Modified04-15-2020 4:01:50am
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Power was out again

A wind storm took the power out again but only for a few hours.

Yes, we do have backup power to prevent the servers from crashing, but after a short time those battery reserves run out so we always shut everything down as soon as the power goes out. This prevents equipment and data damage. 

The power company had the power back on after only 3 hours. The power was out from about 1pm to 4pm pacific time today.