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EAN-130013700590009   EAN-13 barcode 0013700590009
UPC-A013700590009   UPC-A barcode 013700590009
Product NameShp Holiday Napkin
CategoryHome: Linnen / Bath
Short Description40.00 CT
Modified09-26-2017 8:58:41pm
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Query Time0.0058680

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Making use of the tools we offer

Claiming your products on our site

By claiming your products, you gain a great deal of control over your products and company information. When you make changes, they don't need to be verified manually and other users cannot make any changes to your data.

Claiming your products is a rather simple process but it does involve a few steps. You simply need to give us a list of your products but then you need to verify your claim by entering a code we send to your email.

You also get to enter information about your company on the claim page. If you have multiple companies, you can control them all on your profile page once they are verified.

After you make your initial claim, we perform some processing on our side. Once the claim process is complete, you get full control over all of your products and company information. You get to control your product details and images. You can modify the contact information for your company and upload a company logo.

To get started with the process, you can search for one of your products and click the CLAIM link found at the bottom of the product information block. You can also go directly to the CLAIM PAGE. Once on that page, simply follow the on screen instructions to complete the claim process.

If you want to send us data about your products instead of simply claiming existing products or entering new information by hand, you can always send us a data file and we can import it for you.