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Site News and Events

Data layout is going to change

We just finished a big hardware upgrade and then a minor sofware upgrade. Now we are looking at revamping the data layout to make this site more robust and useful to everyone.

The goal is to prove more infomation about each product from various directions.

There will be improvements to connecting products to companies. We will be restoring the "Claim This Product" process that we had to shut down recently. We will be making it possible to attach more information to each product. For example nutritional information to food products.

This set of changes is going to take a lot of work to make sure we don't break anything and that we can manage the data in a reasonable way.

You probably won't see any changes for a couple months because some of these changes take a lot of planning and data conversion. But a few things will be available soon. The first thing we will tackle is the "Claim This Product" process because it is very important to give control to the product owners.

Thanks for visiting the site and partipating. Feel free to send us ideas and other comments. We love to hear from you.