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EAN-130012569728639   EAN-13 barcode 0012569728639
UPC-A012569728639   UPC-A barcode 012569728639
Product NameHouse of Wax Widescreen Edition
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
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Price New4.95 US Dollars    (curriencies)
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Weight25 hundredths pounds    (convert)
FormatWidescreen, Surround Sound
Long DescriptionHouse Of Wax Widescreen Edition
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GoDaddy was attacked by Anonymous!

We are not hosted at GoDaddy, but we are registered there and have our DSN settings stored with them. So when Anonymous attacked GoDaddy, we were impacted too.

It is very sad that hackers don't think about all of the people that will be impacted by their actions. Even though we were not attacked directly, we were impacted and most of our users were also impacted.

Our site was up and running the entire time and because many DNS servers cache the address to our site, we had a steady flow of traffic during the attack. But the number of visiters to the site was clearly lower than normal. We had a significant drop in visitors and even after things were fixed by GoDaddy things weren't quite normal again until quite late in the evening.

If you or your applications were impacted by this attack we are deeply sorry but there was nothing that we could do to prevent or recover from this. Just like you, all we could do is wait for GoDaddy to deal with the situation.

Here are some news links you can read relating to the attack:

Update 9/13/2012 - It appears that this may not have been an attack after all. GoDaddy is saying that this was not an attack but a configuration error that cascaded through their routers taking their services off line for about six hours. Be it an attack or an accidental configuration issue makes no real difference to the end users that couldn't gain access to the web sites hosted on or registered with GoDaddy.

From GoDaddy:

Although this was all very annoying, no personal information seems to have been accessed such as passwords, credit card numbers, addresses, phone numbers or alike. Personally, being a technical person, I feel GoDaddy handled this situation quite well. I am not happy that it happened or that our users were unable to get to the site. But the tech team at GoDaddy did a very good job at correcting the problems.