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EAN-130001811120949   EAN-13 barcode 0001811120949
UPC-A001811120949   UPC-A barcode 001811120949
Product NameLola/Witness
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Movie / TV
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B00004YKQX
Price New9.00 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Price Used3.11 US Dollars    (curriencies)
Run Time98 minutes
CastCharles Bronson, Orson Bean, Honor Blackman, Michael Craig
DirectorRichard Donner
Run Time98 minutes
Width4.5 inches    (convert)
Height0.5 inches    (convert)
Length7.25 inches    (convert)
Weight36 hundredths pounds    (convert)
Release Year1970
FormatColor, NTSC
Run Time98 minutes
Long DescriptionA middle aged writer of pornographic novels meets and falls in love with a sixteen year old school girl. This alone is cause for concern but when the couple get married and move to America, the trouble (and fun) really begins.
Created08-17-2013 2:41:03am
Modified06-01-2019 5:57:35pm
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Query Time0.0065260

An article of interest

Making use of the tools we offer

Uploading images without logging in

So you want to upload product images but you don't want to do it manually. Our system allows you to upload through automation if you have an active data feed account.

The Basics

You will need to send the file along with some other infomation in the form of a POST to our web server. You do not need to log-in or keep track of cookies. You will need to pass your keycode with every file you try to upload.

It is important that you check the results of every upload to make sure things are going correctly. Normally, if things go right you will get back an HTTP response code of 200 and the word "Success!" as the only content. If things go wrong, the HTTP response will be 400 or some value other han 200 depending on the problem. You can examine the content that is sent back for more details about the error.

When you send a POST request to http://eandata.com/upload_image.php with the the following required fields.

As long as the product exists in our system and there is not already an image associated with the product, the file should upload and be resized. All images are stored in PENDING mode until they are approved by a human. Users may be able to access the pending images but they will get a warning before the image is displayed to them.

Coding Samples And Links

We simply can't give you every possible way to access our data through automation but we can offer some code samples or at a minimum links to other resourses that will help you get your project going.

If you have other resources that you would like us to add to our collection, or you find that our links are broken, please use the link at the bottom of the screen to contact us. Comments are also much appreciated.