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EAN-130000010016503   EAN-13 barcode 0000010016503
UPC-A000010016503   UPC-A barcode 000010016503
Product NameTouch The Sky Studio Sessions
CategoryElectronics / Photography: A/V Media: Music
Amazon.comA Buy on Amazon ~ B002QLICF6
Price Used30.00 US Dollars    (curriencies)
AuthorStevie Ray Vaughn
BindingAudio Cd
Long DescriptionIn late January 1985, the band took their first and last Japanese tour. In March, they started to produce their third album Soul to Soul. Reese Wynans, a former keyboardist of Delbert McClinton's band, was added to the band not long after. With the addition of Reese the title of the band was changed to Stevie Ray Vaughan and Serious Trouble, however no album was released under this modified title. The album's production lasted for two months. Soul to Soul was released on September 30, 1985. "Touch the Sky" is a series of sessions from the Power Station in NYC, Feb. 1984 (some tracks are from the Dallas Sound Lab in May 1985). The quality is good. It is interesting because it shows some of Stevie's creative studio work. Track List: 01 - Little Wing 02 - Little Wing 03 - Little Wing / 3rd Stone From the Sun 04 - Life Without You 05 - So Excited 06 - Boiler Maker 07 - Shake and Bake 08 - Treat Me RightStevie Ray Vaughan - Touch The Sky 09 - The Sky Is Crying 10 - Slip Sliding Slim 11 - Come On 12 - Come On 13 - Hig, Kiss, and Squeeze 14 - Hand Nails and Boogers 15 - Right or Wrong
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