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EAN-134717702259075   EAN-13 barcode 4717702259075
Product Name東京喰種(02)
English NameTokyo Ghoul (02)
LanguageChinese (Traditional)
CategoryBook / Magazine / Publication
Created04-07-2015 8:39:23am
Modified09-23-2020 8:52:36am
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Site News and Events

The download page has been updated!

As our site has grown, we have gotten more requests for data and image downloads. When we were small we handled these by hand and then later added a little automation. Now we have cleaned it up and made it easier to use.

Today we made it easier to see what it is we have to offer by cleaning up the look of the download page. We present more information to users before they log in to the system.

We cleaned up the purchase section of the page a great deal. Our downloads are not free (except for the sample data) and in the past, each download had to be purchased one at a time. now you can select multiple items and pay just once.

We made our pricing considerably easier to understand. We have always given discounts if you have already made a purchase. But it could be a little confusing because if you hand't purchased, you would see one price (the full price). But after your purchase you could return to the download page and see different prices. This confused people and they though that they over paid. Now the full price is displayed clearly all the time and instead of showing reduced prices, we now list a DISCOUNT as part of your order. And in your transaction history, your discount will always be visible to you.

Finally, we made it easier to get to your download once you have made a purchase. Right in your transaction history, the links to your downloads are easier to understand. When you download a file, the system will know if you have successfully downloaded, you are in the process of downloading, or if you ran into issues while downloading (or canceled). The status of your download is clearly identified.

We hope that these changes make the download page easier for you to use and understand. Feel free to send us your feedback about the page.